Frequently Asked Questions
Who is behind iPrescribeApps?
iPrescribeApps is created by the team that runs iMedicalApps. We are an independent team of physicians. We are proud to say iPrescribeApps is run exclusively by physicians, something that makes us unique in this space. There are no other stakeholders that could cause perverse apps to be selected.
How much does it cost?
For the initial providers that sign up to use the beta -- there will be no cost to you or your patients.
Do you make developers pay to be listed on iPA?
Unlike other platforms that have attempted to do this in the past, we don't make developers pay us to list their apps. We feel this has the potential to cause a conflict of interest. Plus, we want to list the apps we feel are the best -- and not limit our pool of apps. Apps are selected from the Apple App Store and Google Play store -- based on apps available in the United States.
When will the beta be ready to use?
We plan on launching iPrescribeApps in Q3 of this year.
Will patients get an email from me, or get my contact information?
No -- we won't share your information with your patients. Your patients will get an email or text message from iPrescribeApps. iPrescribeApps will spend the time to go over the app and how to use it in tutorials.
What is the overall goal of iPrescribeApps?
We want to effect change on a "populations" based level -- this is the underlying motivator. Healthcare is no longer about the next new million dollar gadget or newest davinci robot. With the cost to treat chronic diseases soaring, and with the lack of attention to preventative medicine -- we're tired of waiting for others to create platforms that will address these issues. We want to affect change on a larger level -- and we want providers who are interested in this goal as well.
With iMedicalApps, we've been able to educate millions of health providers across the world on how they can use mobile technology in their various clinical workflows. Our goal with iMedicalApps was to demonstrate how mobile tools can improve clinical workflows and knowledge -- helping improve overall patient care.
We've also spent a significant amount of time teaching physicians how mobile tools can be used to enhance the patient physician relationship -- from teaching physicians how they can use mobile tools to show patients how their surgery will be performed, or health apps or devices physicians should recommend to their patients.
But we now are taking it a step further.
We believe we've now reached a tipping point in mobile healthcare due to the significant penetrance of smartphones and accompanying health apps. For the first time, we now feel we can make a tremendous change at a population based level -- not just for the individual clinician or patient technophile.
With the thousands of reviews we have done of medical and healthcare apps, iMedicalApps is in prime position to recommend health apps that actually matter -- that can actually change behavior and have the potential to improve health outcomes. But we're not just talking about "recommending" -- we're talking about "prescribing".
Born out of this experience, we are introducing iPrescribeApps -- a platform that will enable physicians to efficiently prescribe the right application to the right patient. Not only will we use expert opinion and evidence-based criteria to select the apps, we will help clinicians decide which application fits their patient the best.
From the physician standpoint -- we only want to utilize apps that have the best chance of working. The iMedicalApps team has done multiple systematic reviews on various disease pathologies to find criteria that have been proven to work for behavior change using mobile devices. We understand our physician peers "want the evidence" -- and we're going to give it to them.
From the patient standpoint -- when a provider prescribes an app, iPrescribeApps will do the heavy lifting -- not just getting the application to the patient, but also teaching them how to use it.
We want physicians to be proud to say -- "i prescribe apps".
Join the movement, sign up to be a beta user for iPrescribeApps.